Our Members

Established Fall 2016

We currently have 253 members (including 120 Alumni). Fall 2024: Currently updating data on all of the 118 alumni. 

Our alumni demographics are comprised of: 79% students of color, 62% minority, 62% financially disadvantaged (Pell), 72% first generation, & 74% female. Our alumni have an average GPA of 3.31 which is above the campus average 3.17 (based on IPEDS data for 2015-2018)

Leadership & Science Award Recipients 

In our 8+ years, the STEM Scholars members have been highly successful. Despite entering ISU with lower average ACT scores than their campus peers (23.9 vs. 25), STEM Scholars graduate at much higher rates (4-year graduation rates: 66% vs. 54%; 6-year graduation rate is 92% vs. 75%). The program has earned a variety of campus and National awards (italics), including a Goldwater Scholar, 4 NSF GRFPs (Graduate Research Fellowship Program), Ernest Hollins Scholar, Udall Scholar, 22 McNair Scholars, 24 SHPEP alumni, MLK Advancing One Award, 32 Community Advisors, at least 26 published peer reviewed papers, ~80 have presented research at National Research Conferences, and a growing number of alumni have completed Masters or are currently in Veterinary Science, MD and PhD programs.


Lifelong Learning

  • 118


  • 26


  • 27

    Masters: 17 completed, 10 in pursuit

  • 4

    Veterinary Medicine

We have current data on 76% of these alumni and are working on catching up with the remaining alumni.

70% are in still in STEM fields (e.g. permanent job or in post-graduate training programs). 5% are in Education jobs (Teacher or Higher Ed. Administration). I have not included a number of students who are taking gap year(s) with the intent of applying to post-graduate programs.

19 Completed Post-Graduate Degrees:
17 Masters
1 Veterinary Medicine

Astronomy: New Mexico State University;
Biological Sciences (12):
Cornell University (Plant Pathology & Plant-Microbe Biology),
UC San Diego Scripps Oceanographic (Marine Biology),
Dartmouth University (Molecular & Cell Biology),
Iowa State (Microbiology),
Iowa State (Genetics, Development, & Cell Biology)
Iowa State (Veterinary Microbiology & Preventative Medicine)
St. Jude Research Hospital (Genetics),
Virginia Tech (Biological Systems Engineering),
University of Alabama-Birmingham (Cancer Biology),
University of Nebraska-Omaha (Biomechanics)
University of Pennsylvania (Genetics)
University of Washington (Biology)
Chemistry (3): Columbia University, Ohio State University, Texas A&M University
Chemical Engineering: Notre Dame University
DDS (Dental): University of Iowa
Education: UC Berkeley
Law School: Pace University (Environmental Law)
MD/DO (2): A.T. Still University Health, Midwestern University-AZCOM
Occupational Therapy (3): College of St. Mary, North Central College
Completed: Creighton University
PharmD: University of Iowa
Podiatry: New York College of Podiatric Medicine

27 Masters: 17 completed, 10 in pursuit
Biotechnology: Rush University
Counseling (2): Grand View University, University of Maryland
Data Science: Rochester Institute of Technology
Environmental Science: San Jose State University
Forensics: Capella University
Public Health (3): Emory University, Mercy College of Health Sciences, Rutgers University
Science Writing: Johns Hopkins University

Completed (17):
American University (Sustainability Management)
Baylor University (Public Health)
Elmhurst University (Nursing)
Iowa State Biomedical Sciences
Iowa State University (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)
Iowa State University (Anthropology)
Iowa State University (Business Administration)
2 Mercy College of Medicine (Lab Sciences)
Penn State University (Biology)
St. Cloud State (Biology)
Tufts University (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)
Saint Louis University (Higher Education & Student Affairs)
University of Indiana (Anatomy)
University of Nebraska-Omaha (Biomechanics)
University of Tennessee-Knoxville (Food Science)
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (Dietetics)
Virginia Tech University (Biological Systems Engineering)
Yale University (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)

4 Veterinary Programs (VMCAS)Colorado State University, Cornell University, Ross University.
Completed: Iowa State University

Complete list of STEM Jobs (coming soon)

New Member Orientation Photos